Fees – Chevalier College


College Fees Information

2024 Fees Schedule
Supporting Information for College Fees
Request for Refund

Fee Payments

Fees are paid via our payment partner Edstart, not directly to the College.

With Edstart Plus, families will have access to more options with their school fee payments, including:

  • Options to pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly, per term, or annually – by selecting the schedule that works for you.
  • The ability to choose a preferred day for when payments are made.
  • The option to spread your fees during the year over a full 12-month period instead of 10 months.
  • The flexibility to adjust payments at any time.

There are no fees or charges for using Edstart Plus for your Chevalier College tuition fees.

To set up your Edstart account, please visit edstart.com.au/chevalier. Edstart will then pay your College fees on your behalf when they are due and activate your regular repayments as part of your plan.

You can learn more in this short video: Chevalier Edstart Video

Fee payment enquiries may be directed to our Accounts Office on 4861 1488 during office hours:  8:00am to 4:00pm (Monday to Friday, including school holidays, except public holidays).

Payment Plans

Weekly, fortnight or monthly payments can be made through Edstart. Calculate a payment plan for your school fees below, and click ‘Get Started’ to set up your Edstart account:

Fee Assistance

Chevalier College welcomes families willing to support the Catholic ethos, regardless of their personal, financial and pastoral circumstances. Families supporting the Catholic ethos will not be denied a place at Chevalier College due to an inability to afford full fees. 

The provision of fees assistance is at the discretion of the Principal and the Business Manager and is based on evidence of financial hardship.  For more information regarding fees assistance please contact the Business Manager on (02) 4861 1488.  The college applies strict confidentiality regarding requests and approval of financial assistance. 

Building Fund

The College Building Fund allows families to make a voluntary, tax-deductible contribution. The Building Fund has been part of Chevalier for almost all of its history and has traditionally been a vital part of our income. Keeping it voluntary qualifies any contribution by you as a tax-deductible donation, rather than having a mandatory levy for everyone that does not qualify as tax deductible.

At the time of the January fee statement, you will also be provided with information on suggested options for a tax-deductible donation per family. You can of course donate more or less than the suggested amount.  All we ask is that you consider contributing what you can based on your own circumstances, so we can continue to upgrade and maintain our facilities. Your support will provide benefits for your child now and other children into the future, just as we now enjoy the facilities built by the generosity of past families.